IV Sedation Dentistry - Concord, CA

Experience Fear-Free Sedation Dentistry

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Overcome Your Anxiety with Dental Anesthesia

If you’re anxious or scared about going to the dentist, you don’t have to let that fear hold you back from needed care! Oral Aesthetics and Implants offers IV sedation dentistry and other forms of dental anesthesia in Concord, CA for our patients who are undergoing complex dental procedures, as well as those with severe dental anxiety.

We offer sedation dentistry services customized to your unique level of dental fear to minimize your anxiety and worry.

Picture of dental IV bag

Our Procedure for IV Sedation Dentistry

With IV sedation, our office administers anesthesia through an intravenous line. This induces a state of relaxation and calm. Most of our patients feel as if they are in a dream state, while some even fall asleep. This type of sedation is useful for patients who are undergoing more complex procedures such as dental implants. This form of sedation dentistry is also useful for patients who experience anxiety about going to the dentist.

With IV sedation, you will need someone to drive you home from your appointment. However, you will recover quickly and be able to return to your regular routine by the next day.

The Benefits of IV Sedation Dentistry

dental patient smiling after procedure

Your Other Dental Anesthesia Options

Investing in your oral health means investing in a lifetime of systemic health as well. Don’t put it off because of fear or anxiety. Call our team to learn more about your sedation dentistry options today!

dental patient taking sedation pill

General Anesthesia

For extremely complex or invasive dental procedures, we offer general dental anesthesia. With this form of sedation dentistry, you will be fully unconscious throughout the procedure. Only specially trained practitioners like the ones at Oral Aesthetics and Implants are qualified to provide this level of sedation dentistry.

Nitrous Oxide

Also called “laughing gas,” this form of sedation dentistry is inhaled through a mask before your procedure. You’ll stay alert but calm throughout your dental work, and you’ll even be able to drive yourself home when you’re done!

Don’t Worry About Going To The Dentist.

Ask the Oral Aesthetics and Implants team about sedation anesthesia near you.

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